AYLF Student Leadership Training about 21 laws of Leadership by John C. Maxwell at UR-Rukara campus

Great time spent today with our mentor and country director Mr. Pascal sharing with us about 21 laws of Leadership by John C. Maxwell at UR-Rukara campus in the leadership short course we have started today on 16/11/2023. From the law one which is “The Law of the Lid” where we saw that the top level leader is always responsible for what is going on within the organization/university/group and when the leadership lid is open people will be able to grow but when the lid is closed the organization remain covered and unable to bloom to the law seven which is “The Law of Respect” where we learnt that to be a leader you must have followers and in nature followers are attracted to people who are better leaders than themselves

Thank you very much Mr. Pascal for great wisdom shared with us and for your heart, commitment, and inspiration towards empowering the next generation leaders.