A Family of Friends - Jesus/Issa gathering

A Thank-you note from Pascal HAKIZIMANA, the Country Director of Africa Youth Leadership Forum - Rwanda 

Sunday last week on 30th was the last day of a 5 days gathering in Mombasa where some AYLF Members from Rwanda were able to attend. It was a great moment of learning from people's experience from different background, culture, religions, age, etc. And it was a great opportunity for networking and have fun with over 250 people who participated from different nations in the world which strengthened our bond of friendships and grow our spirit of belonging and family-hood despite of our differences. Big-Up to the organizing team for the great job done 👏🏾!

We recognize and appreciate very much Marie Cavin and Ron Cameron from Mountaire Farms for the love and financial support to make this gathering possible. We are so much grateful 🙏🏽!