Today on 26th/03/2023, we are ending a 2 day's leadership retreat for Campus coordinators from the eastern province of Rwanda. We were able to go through the AYLF DNA, learning how to use AYLF online management and filing system, study AYLF New Curriculum/Module one, and then sharing skills on how to build an effective strong small group at campus level.

The impact was huge on the participants, since due to the nature of our work almost a half of our coordinators are new every year. So, this retreat was a great learning opportunity for the participants which equipped them with clear understanding about AYLF DNA, skills about personal and group leadership, and it was also a great opportunity to connect and make friends.

AYLF-Rwanda continues to spread and impact lives of young people across the country; and a lot of effort has been put to building relationships and partnerships with with those involved and building capacities of our small group coordination teams at campus and at province level across the country, for we believe that we can only realize our successes when our desire for strong leaders at the small groups is met.