Last weekend we started a 2 days' retreat which will be taking place province per province in all the five provinces of Rwanda that AYLF operates in. From 11th to 12th March, we started with Northern province where 32 small group coordinators gathered for two days' retreat in Musanze to inspire and sharpen one another towards achieving our AYLF Vision of raising a new generation of leaders in Africa with a transformed leadership culture, the leadership culture that promote a better world for all the people.

We were able to go through the AYLF DNA, learning how to use AYLF online management and filing system, study AYLF New Curriculum/Module 1, and then sharing skills on how to build an effective strong small group at campus level.

The impact was huge on the participants, since due to the nature of our work almost a half of our coordinators are new every year. So, this retreat equipped them with clear understanding of AYLF, skills about personal and group leadership, and it was also a great opportunity to connect and make friends.

Our thanks goes to our partners, more especially CORNERSTONE DEVELOPMENT AFRICA for their financial support towards this work, We thank Eric Kreutter, William Kinunu, Allan Shepard and the whole execution team for your kind advice and support in different ways to make this work successful.